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Free Hearing Consultations & Exams

When you are seen at Hearing Clinic Mankato LLC, we want to understand your needs.   We will find out about your hearing history as well as understand how you and your family have been impacted by the loss of communication.   

Logo Earigator
logo for Cliq

Ear Wax removal & Videoscope visual findings

We will use our state-of-the-art Videoscope  procedures vary based on the concern, as well as your anatomy and history.   

We have state of the art technology for easy removal.  Including the new    Earigator Cerumen Management System


 CLIQ suction pump!

We will discuss your options and refer you to an ENT if needed.

If you are having concerns that your ears are plugged, or that something is blocking your ability to hear, please contact our office to make an appointment.

We will discuss your options and refer you to an ENT if needed.

Woman getting her ear cleaned

Free Annual Testing

When you become a patient of Hearing Clinic Mankato, we will want to see you every year!

We have built a sound proof relaxing atmosphere to do extensive testing including:

        REAL-EAR Measurements, Functional Test measures         & BACKGROUND NOISE

We will do a full audiological exam to make sure you have not had any changes in your hearing. 

When you are here, we will clean and check your hearing aids as well as make adjustments based on your current hearing test.

These tests will ensure that your hearing aids are working at their best ability. 

audio room

Make an appointment every  3-6 months for Clean & Checks

Although we are going to make sure we teach you everything you need to know about your hearing aids and how to maintain and take care of them, they will still need a good deep clean and check by our professionals!   

This is a great time to get any supplies needed as well.

Photo of our building location
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